Thus, you can identify at least two levels of service abstraction, namely the high level of activities and the low level of application services manipulated by activities. 因此,您至少可以确定两个级别的服务抽象,即高级活动和由活动所操作的低级应用程序服务。
Users and applications should only use alias names to refer to network application services and should never refer directly to host names or TCP/ IP network addresses. 用户和应用程序应该只使用别名引用网络应用程序服务,而不应该直接使用主机名或TCP/IP网络地址。
I'll begin with an overview of App Engine for Java, including the types of application services it provides. 我将首先对AppEngineforJava进行概述,包括它所提供的应用程序服务的类型。
User access services and user interaction services are part of the application services layer. 用户访问服务和用户交互服务属于应用程序服务层。
Web Application Services: This component encapsulates business logic for Web applications that are running on a Web application server. WebApplicationServices:这个组件封装在Web应用服务器上运行的Web应用程序的业务逻辑。
Typically, cloud applications use non-strict layering, in the sense that both the presentation app and application services can use technical components. 通常,云应用程序使用非严格的分层,就此而言,演示应用程序和应用程序服务都可使用技术组件。
The application services layer hosts applications that fit the SaaS model. 该应用程序服务层驻留着适合SaaS模型的应用程序。
It uses a proprietary operating system services layer, with a Java ME application services layer. 它使用一个专属操作系统服务层,以及一个JavaME应用服务层。
Sequence diagrams can also be used to model other system activities, such as usage scenarios or additional application services ( web services, business transactions). 时序图也可以用来建模其他系统的行为,比如使用情景或者附加应用服务(网络服务,商业交易)。
This is especially useful when testing how the Dojo JavaScript client code interacts with the server-side application services. 在测试DojoJavaScript客户端代码如何与服务器端应用程序服务交互时,这种方法尤其有用。
Because most application services added to infrastructures require authorization, a segregated subnet, cloud, or cluster of application servers specifically for authentication meets requirement for scalability, maintainability, and re-usability. 大多数添加到基础架构的应用程序服务都需要授权,而专门用于授权的独立子网、云或应用服务器集群可以满足可伸缩性、可维护性和重用性需求。
Business application services constitute the reuse entry point for SOA. 业务应用程序服务构成了SOA的重用入口点。
Messaging middleware provides a cleanly separated platform for robust and reliable intercommunication between application services and components. 消息传递中间件提供了一个洁净、分离的平台,用于在应用程序服务和组件之间进行健壮可靠的相互通信。
In addition, App Engine for Java provides support for the following application services 此外,AppEngineforJava为以下应用程序服务提供了支持
Business application services incorporate some of the business security features to ensure security during business transactions. 业务应用程序服务合并了一些业务安全特性,以确保业务事务执行期间的安全。
Note that the ESB does not provide connectivity between application services and management services, and it is possible to secure and manage a solution without participation of the ESB. 请注意,ESB并不提供应用程序服务和管理服务之间的连接,并且可以在没有ESB参与的情况下保护和管理解决方案。
This logic performs service virtualization and aspect-oriented connectivity, which is targeted at achieving on demand interconnectivity between application services. 此逻辑执行服务虚拟化和面向方面的连接,旨在实现应用程序服务之间随需应变的互连。
Stop the application services in the cloud environment in preparation for the data migration by killing your mongrel processes. 通过终止您的mongrel进程来停止云环境中的应用程序服务,为数据迁移做好准备。
Java Management Extensions ( JMX): A Java standard created specifically for monitoring and managing J2EE application services. Java管理扩展(JavaManagementExtensions,JMX):这是一个专为监控及管理J2EE应用程序服务而创建的Java标准。
Can existing application services and components be directly consumed for developing a composite application? 现有应用程序服务和组件可以直接用于开发一个复合应用程序吗?
The research on collaborative platform of the supply chain in cluster mode based on application services 面向应用服务的集群式供应链协同平台的研究
In2006 the school launched digital campus construction projects, including network infrastructure, data center, infrastructure services, application services and so on. 2006年学校启动数字化校园建设工程,包括网络基础、数据中心、基础服务、应用服务等方面。
It does this using reusable application services and a multi-tenant architecture and allows to build multiple Line-Of-Business xRM applications on a single platform. 这个SDK充分利用了可重用应用服务和多企业构架,能够在单一平台上构建多个在线业务xRM应用。
Cloud Foundry is the industry's first open platform as a service, supporting a choice of frameworks, application services and cloud infrastructures. CloudFoundry是业界首个开放平台即服务产品,支持多种框架、应用服务与云基础设施。
Both kinds of applications can access infrastructure and application services provided on-premises and in the cloud. 两种应用都能获取on-premises和云中提供的基础设施服务和应用服务。
Fabrics are a grid-based software infrastructure enabling virtualization of application services with reliable execution and simplified operation across any number of computational resources. Fabrics是一个基于grid的软件基础架构,能够提供跨越任意数量计算资源的可靠执行和简化操作来虚拟化应用服务。
The following procedures describe how to configure client application services for less common scenarios. 下面的过程描述如何针对不太常见的方案配置客户端应用程序服务。
The framework "wires" application services to the POJOs by intercepting the execution context or injecting service objects to the POJO at runtime. 框架通过两种方式将应用服务与运行中的POJO关联起来:拦截POJO的执行上下文或将服务对象注入POJO中。
This button is enabled only when you have enabled client application services on the services page and specified a web settings service location. 仅当已在“服务”页启用客户端应用程序服务和指定了“web设置服务位置”时,此按钮才会启用。
This includes the effects of real user load on the application services running within the Flex environment. 这包括真正的用户负载对在Flex环境中运行的应用服务的影响。